There are several Fundraising Ideas that you might use in able to raise money for your organization. It's even possible as person who wants to reach a certain goal to look for a fundraiser online to reach that goal. Not everyone has the same opportunities. That is why it's good there are sponsorships, scholarships and other opportunities online that you can apply for. In this article I will discuss the crowd funding website GoFund Me. 

GoFundme is a website on which you can create your own Free Personal Donation Website. You can use this website to raise money for your Goal. GoFundMe charges a flat fee of 5% on all payments collected by the donations. PayPal will charge an additional 2.9% AND $0.30 per transaction.


The website GoFundme offers you the possibility to create your own Personal Donation Website. You can share this website on Facebook, Twitter and other Social media pages. GofundMe offers a donation widget that you can share on your website and on social media pages to raise money.

There are several people and several goals to raise for money. On GofundMe i found for example a Donation Website for a 1st Family Vacation For Mom With Cancer. I was pleased to read they already reached their Goal to raise the money. But there are many other people who raise the money for their goal via GoFundMe. You should look through the pages that already created by current users to get an idea on how your page looks like and how you can set up your page. 


Advantages of GoFundme 

You can create a professional looking website and ask for a donation for your goal 

You can use the GoFundMe widget to raise money in Social media pages. GoFundMe will send you an e-mail each time someone donates to your page 

There is no limit on how much money you can raise. Even after you reach your goal, you can continue to raise more money.


Disadvantages from GoFundme

GoFundMe charges a flat fee of 5% on all payments collected by the donations. PayPal will charge an additional 2.9% AND $0.30 per transaction. 

You will have to place a great deal of your personal live story online to raise money. It's possible other people can copy your story to raise money for their own personal use.