Since the beginning and before the pandemic i have been working fulltime. I have a fulltime office job. I process the mail of clients and i scan the mail to my colleagues that work from home (on that day). I explain things to my colleagues, i help them with computer issues. Sometimes i also mail them their work from my own home.

Because the amount of work has became more since Covid 19. I had back problems earlier this year because of the amount of work i process.

I drive to my work each and every work day. One day i could not stand up anymore because of my back. So i had a few sick days. That day i bought a wheel like the AB Roller to train my back so that this would not happen again. Soon i stopped using the wheel, because after work im much to tired to use a wheel to train.

This is when i bought a Cubii Jr so that i could use this desk bike while watching tv. I have been walking with the dog of my neigbours and I have been using the Cubii. It is an easy way to train with the Cubii and watch tv. It helps you to keep the weight you have or even lose weight during the day. 




In the beginning i even cycled 5 hours on the highest level (8). I was really exhausted after that and i felt my muscles. So Im sure you can lose weight on the Cubii, but you have to maintain training that way tob e able to continue to lose weight. Unfortunately i haven’t done that yet. But we are getting close to summer and i hope to take the dog for longer walks. I like to be outside and that is also better for you , better than just training with a desk trainer. To go outside, be in nature, walk with the dog, interact with people. And I like to combine that with the training on the Cubii on the rainy days (or on the other days that i want to train).