It might not always be easy to put your product in the market if there are so many products already being sold. You should be very smart in the way you advertise a product.

But it might help if you are creative and can make funny YouTube videos to put your product in the market in a funny, positive way. Texts or video ads are an old way to reach your customers. Now everyone uses YouTube and Social Media. 


1. The Amazing Power of Humor in Marketing

One idea to promote your product is to offer free Marketing Jokes on your website. If you offer free marketing jokes, or other kind of jokes or quotes people will share them on social media. You will add the name of your site somewhere in your jokes and you will start to burn the name of your brand in the memory of potential customers.

You can also make a funny video in which your brand is mentioned or used in a positive but funny way. If you message is funny you only have to make a funny video and others will keep on sharing your video or cartoon over and over again.

A good video should bring something you do not suspect and still will not make fun of your product, the video only tells the marketing message in a funny way.


2. Work with the technology currently available

If you sell cars you have the technology available to show the cars online, three dimensional 360 degrees and let your potential customers build their virtual car online, building up their desire to buy the same car in real life. Sometimes fantasies and dreams are not far from reality.

If you want to sell a new still to be build house you can offer a virtual house, how the house and the inside will look like when it's finished. Sometimes potential customers might not have enough fantasy to see how great a product can look like once it's finished. That is why you give them an impression of how the finished product can look like and offer them a possibility to few the house with several options the buyer can choose from. Just like with the car. To get potential buyers and to do less work into selling the product yourself, build up the desire for the product online.

You have to make people want the product before they go to an actually shop, if they are not able to buy the product online immediately. That is what always should be available on your online web presence, a possibility to make an appointment online with one of your sales representatives. In this way the customer can show interest in to buying a product and the sales representative will work with that and offer and sell the product to the – already interested – customer.


3. Build on Your image and service and get satisfied customers

Even though everyone searches the internet for the right price and reads reviews of shops, most potential customers do like face to face contact still, especially if they buy a big item.

That is why you should encourage your customers to come to your online shop (if you have one).

You can do this for example with newsletters in which you give customers special discounts when they come to your shop on a certain time for a great deal.

You can also do this when the customer sends you an e-mail. It's important you answer you e-mail quickly, preferable within a day. Your customer might walk away if it takes you to long to reply. A competitor might have answered their questions sooner if you wait to long.

You have to answer the questions of customers in a polite manner and in correct language without grammar mistakes. Even if you get a rude question or e-mail you will always have to keep your mind clear and answer in polite manner. If a customer is not happy try to communicate the best way you can offer them a good service to try to turn them in a satisfied customer.

Preferable you will answer emails and offer them a product related to their e-mail for a special price when they come to your shop.

It's often the case that a customer will see a dealer or shop and find a product they like. Usually they first visit the dealer or shop they like the most, remembering the product they like the best, they will look around and see the prices are a bit the same, and still want the product from the dealer or shop where they found the product like they want it, and this shop or dealer has the best service and most friendly service in their eyes. So on the end the customer will return to the first shop they visited even though they have looked around, compared prizes. First impressions do matter for customers!


4. Working with the latest marketing techniques

If you want to be upfront in marketing your products you should always have the most recent knowledge on the most recent marketing techniques. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel, all you got to do is do research on the latest working marketing techniques and use them for yourself.

Internet marketing is rapidly changing so the one technique that will work last year might not work this year anymore. Building a website or company is not just about marketing techniques only. Your company should not only have a good product or service. Good after sales and a social media presence are also very important. The customer should feel important and should read about your good service and good product on the internet because you built up a webpresence and a name. If your customers write positive reviews about your company on the internet, you get free word of mouth marketing. 

You can offer a mobile version of your website. Almost everyone uses WiFi nowadays. People will visit your site with their mobile phones. So building a mobile version of your website will get you more visitors and more potential customers.

Marketing technology and having the latest technology is not enough, it is just a part of building a client base. You have to remember that a client buys not only from the company that offers a good product. A smart client does research on the company to find reviews by others and researches some other companies as well before buying. That is why you always have to encourage yourself to offer more quality, better service so that you will keep on being ahead of your competitors.