It is possible to make money with Youtube videos but you don’t get paid by your videos by Youtube itself. You get paid because Youtube allows you to monetize some of your videos by placing advertisements on the right of you videos. You can only add ads to your videos if you become a Youtube partner.  

You don’t have to add your Youtube videos one by one. If you want to submit videos for monetization you can upload up to 100 videos at one time.

What is the average income I can generate from monetizing my YouTube videos?

You will approximately receive 75 cents per 1000 views. Sometimes this amount is higher and sometimes the amount is lower. If you would get 10.000 views to  your video you could make $7,50. Which is not that bad considering you have to upload a video and after that you don’t have to do much just wait until you see the amount of viewers raise. You can see the money as an extra income, pocket money or even your normal income depending how much views you generate and which kind of videos you produce.

Youtube uses Google AdWords so that people can bid on related keywords. Because people can bid on whatever they like some keywords are worth more than others. This means you can get paid more for some keywords and very low income on other keywords. You will not make thousands of dollars a month unless you become extremely popular or build a library with a large amount of videos. You don't need a website anymore on which you sell adspace you now can use the videos you upload to Youtube to make money. 

Tip: You should post videos to Youtube on a regular basis for example you make some tutorials every day, if you post to Youtube regular your amount of views will increase and you will make more money with Youtube. Make sure you post quality content so that you fan base will continue to grow. Viewers that like one of your videos will more likely to watch more of your videos or watch your videos again. 

 Like you can see on the right you can even post holiday videos on YouTube. You can also share your videos on the social media and blogs to get more viewers to your videos.


To become a YouTube partner you should be aware of the following guidelines:

No infringement of copyright

You should completely own a video, you should not post videos that belong to others. You should not post music tracks or videos made by others. You should also not post snippets of software or programs that are copyrighted by other parties. You can’t use any recordings you made from TV, DVD or CD without explicit written permission. You can show software in your video but if you do it needs to have an instructional or education value.

Nintendo is one of the companies that says that if you make a video of you playing a Nintendo game, and add a voice over to explain what you are doing, this doesn't’t mean you own the copyrights over your video. Nintendo still owns the copyright over the videogame.

That’s why you can better not make videos about Nintendo, Sega, CBS or Disney on YouTube.

Don’t post gross or violent content

You should not post inappropriate content, for example content that is mean to harm other people. If some gets hurt, attacked or tortured in your video

You should not post it to YouTube. Even though you think videos of accidents and dead bodies will get you a large amount of hits, those videos are not allowed on YouTube as well. YouTube does review videos that are flagged inappropriate by other users. If your video is removed by YouTube it is removed for a reason, you should read the Terms and conditions to know why a video got removed by YouTube.

Respect someone else's privacy

You should not reveal your personal information or the personal information of someone else on YouTube. You shouldn't’t stalk someone, threat someone or invade someone's privacy on YouTube. If you do so you might be permanently banned from YouTube.

No pornography or sexually explicit content is allowed

You should not use YouTube to post pornography or sexually explicit content, even if it are your own videos. That’s not where YouTube is intended for.