If you want to learn how to promote your business on YouTube, you should read this article in which i take you through all seven Steps to successfully promote your business on YouTube.

I will tell you what kind of YouTube videos are popular, and how you can optimize your YouTube videos.
7 Steps to promote your business on Youtube


Step 1: Create an account on YouTube

If you have no account on YouTube yet you should open an account on YouTube, preferably using the name of your business as an account name or something else that looks like your business name. You should always remember to keep the name as short as possible and make sure the name you choose is easy to remember.


Step 2: Learn from your Competitors

If you start with promoting your business on YouTube you need to know what kind of videos are popular on YouTube. You need to learn from your popular competitors to become popular yourself.

Make sure you watch popular YouTube videos and learn by viewing them and ask yourself “why are they this popular?” You should also look at the Title they use for their video.

Luckily you do not need to have a piano playing cat to be popular on YouTube. There are many other items that can possible become very popular on YouTube.

Tutorials are for example doing very well on YouTube. If you make a Tutorial on YouTube, make sure your tutorial is clear and that you explain things slowly, so that your viewers can see what you are doing. On the other hand your tutorial should not be to slow that people get bored and click away.

And you should not want to use one of these robotic voices to replace your own voice, I always click away when i accidently visit a tutorial with a computer voice explaining me what to do. 

Your tutorial should be fresh and unique and by no way outdated. You should not review something out of the year 2001, it's better to review a new IPod and if possible review it before its out in the public. Some people even create a fake product, the newest release from a poplar brand, and get a lot of hits to a website which promotes the same sort of products (but not the fake one).

If your business is selling toys or baby clothes you could make a funny video promoting your business products.


Step 3: Add five to ten tags or add an additional video

Once you have created the video you can add five to ten tags to the video. I would not use more tags, if you need to use more tags for the video, make an additional video in which you use these tags. Make sure you watch your competitors videos and search on YouTube for videos with similar content. You have to adjust the title if you think you have to much competitors with the current title



Step 4: Choose your title cleverly

You should cleverly choose your title. I should not use more than 12 words for the title.

Add your title in the beginning of description. Google the keywords you want to use, make sure your keywords have low competitors, but are highly searched for. YouTube just like Google looks for unique, fresh and quality content. You can describe your video in four words and make three different descriptions of four words or less and use that for your title. In this way your video can be found with the use of more than just the average number of keywords.


Step 5: Pay attention to the layout of your Channel for your Business

If you want to create more videos take your time to create a professional looking Channel, where all your YouTube videos are shown in. Do not create loads of content in one day, make sure you create regular content to your channel, but make sure it is quality not quantity that you offer on your channel. It's almost like blogging, if you blog about certain subjects you also want to offer quality blogs instead of quantity. If you offer quality to your clients or visitors they will come back for more.


Step 6: Write a blog around the video

Write a blog around the video you just have created, embed the video in your blog, link back to the blog with a link on your video. Your blog needs to be using do-follow links, otherwise Google crawlers will not know your blog links back to your video.


Step 7: Promote your videos and blogs everywhere

Promote your blog and videos on the Social Media pages you use: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and so on, just spread the word!